Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sightings of the Kingdomof Heaven

This past week, I traveled to EMU, Goshen and USI.  Cheeks joined me at Goshen and USI.  We made this trip to catch up with a bunch of our past staff and to find some new folks to join the BBC Family.  It was a great trip.  Though it involved a lot of traveling, it also included some Kingdom sightings.

Kingdom sightings are times, moments, experiences when one has felt or seen the Kingdom of God.  If you don't know what the Kingdom of God is, read through Matthew 13.  You could also listen to this podcast to get a better idea.


p.s. if you don't do the podcasting thing (see the right hand side of screen for instructions) you can just download the audio by right clicking here

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A good read on world wealth distribution

Cheeks and I often talk about resources and how we use them. I've always been fascinated by the way that resources are split up among people across the globe. This study is enlightening regarding global wealth distribution:

And if you are discouraged after reading that, check this out:



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