Hope you have a year full growing in Jesus and obeying and following him!I replied by asking if he'd pray for me, specifically for obedience. This past winter I was sensing God inviting me to let go of a few habits I'd been developing. In talking with my friend, he said, why don't you just do it? Just give up whatever God invites you to give up.
My answer was: because I don't want to!
Lent is almost over. But, before Lent I remembered this conversation and decided to just do it.
I've remembered that sometimes "just doing it" is the only way to do it. For example - Jesus says "love your enemy." Generally, waiting until you feel like loving your enemy won't accomplish the task (I often prefer to procrastinate). Picking an action that is loving toward that person and performing it will cause the obedience Jesus asked for. I believe as I practice, it will get easier, and eventually, I will actually like to love my enemy. And, on top of all that, the joy that comes from being near God is great.